
Assessing Your Hearing: The 5 Types Of A Hearing Test In Singapore

As my mum gets older each year, I keep noticing that she has struggles with her vision and hearing. And when I told her about getting a hearing test in Singapore, she somehow became nervous and started fidgeting. So, I consulted an audiologist about how a hearing test works. Basically, hearing tests are how doctors assess if your ears are working well. And it does not necessarily mean something is wrong with your hearing.

According to my mum’s audiologist, hearing impairment and loss are common conditions as people turn 45 and above. It is highly advisable to get tested regularly. My mum did the ABR and speech test, but if you are going to get a hearing test in Singapore, here are the different types of hearing tests.


Also called pure tone audiometry, this hearing test in Singapore will ask you to wear headphones or a pair of earbuds and listen to different tones at various volumes and pitches. Your audiologist will put you in a sound-treated room and ask you to do something in order to assess your hearing at different frequencies. Their instructions can vary from pushing a button, raising a hand, or responding verbally.


Unlike my mum, who did an ABR and speech test, my audiologist performed a bone conduction test on me. This hearing test in Singapore is similar to pure-tone audiometry but uses a small device behind your ears instead of headphones. The tool I wore on my ears released vibrations and fuelled my cochlea. My audiologist assessed my hearing through my responses.


When my mum did the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) test, electrodes got bonded on her forehead, earlobes, and scalp. This test works through the electrodes measuring the brainwave activity and your responses when the headphones release clicking noises. ABR is typically used to assess people with potential risks of hearing loss in Singapore in their inner ear, also called nerve deafness.


My mum shared her experience with this hearing test in Singapore. Speech or word recognition testing works through a set of words and phrases. Her audiologist evaluated her hearing and speech reception abilities through how they respond to what they hear at varying pitches and volumes. She also got asked to repeat the words. This testing type gets carried out either in quiet or noisy backgrounds. For quiet rooms, the audiologist will use recorded audio and ask you to listen to the threshold or softest speech sounds you can hear to determine how well you can perceive sound accurate.


Otoacoustic Emission testing is another type of hearing test in Singapore that places a probe with a speaker and microphone inside your ear canal. It works when the sounds evoke the hair strokes inside your inner ear. The vibration it delivers is what audiologists call otoacoustic emissions. People with hearing loss above 25-30 decibels do not produce any OAEs.

To get the best, safest hearing solutions in Singapore, I only entrust my family’s hearing health with The Hearing Solution Group. Visit their website to enquire today!