
10 Essential Facts About Trigger Finger and Treatment Options in Singapore

Tendons are sturdy bands of tissue that connect bone to muscle. When you move or bend your fingers, these flexor tendons move through lubricated tunnels called tendon sheaths. When either the flexor tendon or tendon sheath becomes inflamed and swollen, the tendon cannot pass through the sheath very easily.

Any finger can be affected by stenosing tenosynovitis or trigger finger. When you extend the affected finger from a clenched position, it may jerk, snap or click. It got its name since it is like the trigger of a gun when initiating fire.

Here are ten facts you should know about trigger finger and available treatment options at Singapore hand clinics and hospitals.

#1 Trigger Finger has unknown causes.

No one knows the definite cause of getting a trigger finger. However, there are specific risk factors that you should be aware of:

  • Women are said to be five times more likely to get a trigger finger than men
  • It can develop due to diabetes
  • Due to injuries due to repetitive motion
  • Adults in their 50s or 60s are more likely to develop the condition
  • It can be due to gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory illnesses.

You have an increased risk of getting a trigger finger if you have two or more disorders above.

#2 The condition can develop in any finger.

Trigger fingers can develop in any of your fingers. Since it affects the tendons, nothing is off-limits. However, it most commonly affects the thumb and middle. It is best to consult with a trusted hand doctor from a reputable Singapore clinic at the hint of pain in any part of your hand.

#3 It does make a sound.

Many individuals are unaware that moving a finger afflicted by this illness produces a sound. When your tendon gets too inflamed and swollen to fit readily into its tendon sheath, bending your afflicted finger makes an audible snap or pop.

#4 It can be a painful condition.

The main subject of this article is the tendons. They are stiff, thick tissues that connect your muscles to bones. Discomfort comes with any problem that causes them to enlarge and inflame. It is even more painful if it reaches the point that they cannot fit into their specifically developed sheaths. Imagine how uncomfortable it might be when your finger becomes trapped in a bent or locked position that requires assistance to straighten out.

#5 It more frequently develops in the dominant hand.

It is common for trigger fingers to develop in the patient’s dominant hand. The logical reasoning is that continuous movement of the afflicted digits frequently exacerbates inflammation and oedema. Immediately consult with your hand doctor at a reputable Singapore hospital or clinic.

#6 Trigger Fingers are different from Tendonitis and Tendinosis.

It’s critical to grasp the distinctions between trigger fingers and tendonitis or tendinosis. More importantly, treatment and therapy differ between the three.

Tendonitis refers to the inflammation and swelling of your tendon due to damage. The damage can be anything between a micro-tear caused by injury or misuse of the tendon. On the other hand, tendinosis is due to the normal deterioration of your tendon fibres over time. A trigger finger is due to the injury in the protective sheath that covers your tendon. It is what causes the swelling, limiting the mobility of your tendon.

It is possible to have tendonitis or tendinosis along with trigger fingers. However, it might lead to further issues. Immediately have your afflicted finger or hand checked to determine the best trigger finger treatment option at a Singapore hand clinic.

#7 Some cases do not need intensive or extensive treatment.

Most medical diseases with unknown aetiology are frequently unpredictable. Most of their response to therapy can be completely unexpected. Some illnesses come and go with no signs or warning. 25% of all occurrences display responses regarding symptoms, discomfort, and swelling that diminish without therapy or warning.

Unfortunately, most occurrences require some trigger finger treatment from a reputable Singapore hand clinic. Furthermore, therapy is a must for the remaining three-quarters of individuals suffering from this terrible ailment to alleviate pain and locked fingers.

#8 Treatment does not always mean getting surgery.

Trigger finger surgery is a treatment at Singapore hand clinics that is virtually 100% successful. However, it is not the only effective conventional treatment available. One of the following should be your first choice:

  • Rest, pain medication and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) can relieve discomfort and swelling.
  • A splint worn around the afflicted finger restricts mobility to ease discomfort, minimise swelling, and speed healing.
  • Corticosteroid injections minimise oedema and remain effective even after decades of usage.

Although getting hand surgery at a Singapore hand clinic on the damaged sheath permits the tendon to move freely again, it is a relatively modest operation. It is usually reserved for when other therapies have failed.


#9 Prolotherapy is another treatment option

Another trigger finger treatment that some Singapore hand clinics offer is prolotherapy. However, conduct intensive discussions and research with your doctor before deciding on the treatment.

Prolotherapy is a regenerative medicine therapy that has been around for decades. It aims to enhance the healing process by using an irritating substance. The agent regenerates damaged tissue when injected into the inflammatory, swollen region. It assists in the strengthening and tendon regeneration, allowing your finger to move freely again.

#10 Stem Cell Therapy also works

Stem Cell therapy is another trigger finger treatment option that many Singapore hand clinics and hospitals. It is a novel option for hand and wrist injuries like trigger finger.

Stem cells are transplanted to the wounded tissue using imaging guidance, creating a healing inflammatory response that helps your pain begin to fade within one to two weeks. However, full effects will not be known for one to two months.

Advanced Hand, Wrist, and Nerve Centre is home to top-tier hand and wrist experts in Singapore. A variety of doctors and experts help patients manage all types of hand, wrist, and nerve diseases. They also provide consultations, various diagnostic, therapy services and hand surgery at their Singapore clinic.

Due to their excellent service, many people come to their clinic to get tenosynovitis, trigger finger, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Singapore. Contact them if you have any questions or want to make an appointment.