
Tips to create a perfect resume/CV

Before applying to a job, it is important to create a good CV, so that you can easily get noticed by the hiring manager and he/she can see what a great candidate you are. Before you hit send, this article will walk you through how to create a curriculum vitae that gets you hired faster.

Emphasize your contact details

Your resume should be started by your complete contact information so make sure you handle this section carefully. Provide your full name, phone numbers, email address, and your current addresses at the top of the page. Of course, you can also include your up to date picture.

Keep it simple 

If you want to make a big impression and land your dream job, your CV should be well-organized and easy to read. It should be as organized as possible and make sure it’s well written. Take care with the design and spaces also. Be specific. You can create a CV online too and make it beautiful in order to attract more employers.

Distinguish yourself from other candidates

If you have some other skills, honors, awards or other academic achievements that may differ you from other candidates, don’t forget to mention them. You can include a reference section in your CV as an example. On top of that, you might also use a different layout to catch the attention of the employers immediately.

Language proficiency 

If you are fluent in multiple tongues, you should list them on your resume, which is a big bonus. It will spice up your resume and get you to the top of the pile.

Keep it short and strong

As a matter of fact, a good resume is about one page in length or two pages at the most. You can cover your professional background and education history. Also, keep in mind that as long as you stick to the most relevant information, such as your skills, your recent position and work backwards, you will build a great résumé that will catch the recruiters’ eye. 

Give it a makeover

We all know that writing a good CV is notoriously difficult, as the number of people looking for a new job keeps increasing every year. Updating your resume regularly is so important to reflect the development of your career. It will improve your chances to grab the recruiter’s attention. 

Other things to consider

Never enclose diplomas or any other documents unless the recruiters asked to. Don’t mention your marital status in your CV. Last but not the least, check your resume before sending it. Avoid typing errors and make sure you don’t miss out anything.