
How to Fix Cracked and Raveled Driveways

When asphalt repair becomes a major hassle in your life, you can turn to the experts for cost-effective maintenance and repairs of your asphalt surfaces. Since asphalt is a natural product, it is subject to wear and tear, just like everything else. Although it is not technically the best solution for all asphalt problems, professional paving companies always prefer infrared asphalt repair as the safest and most cost-effective solution for concrete repair of asphalt pavements. Let’s take a closer look at how this process works.

Severe asphalt shrinkage can occur if you use your asphalt paving without periodic asphalt crack sealant application. This results in cracked, chipped, and crumbling pavements that are less than aesthetically pleasing. Infrared photography clearly shows the difference between cracks caused by heat compression and those caused by stress cracking. The former leads to progressive cracking that spreads as the area of cracking expands, while the latter produces a linear crack that becomes more severe in time.

Asphalt cracks commonly occur when there is too much force exerted on the surface. For example, when vehicles drive over them at high speed, the asphalt cracks because it cannot withstand the immense pressure. More minor cracks can form as vehicles pass over them also. Asphalt cracks cannot be viewed until they become large enough to cause traffic disruptions. In such cases, you might consider the following options:

Several asphalt repair techniques can fix cracks. One option is to excavate the affected area and pour a thick layer of asphalt. The process must be carefully monitored to prevent contamination of drinking water supplies. If you are working on busy roadways or parking lots, you might want to consider the installation of a snowplow that can clear the runoff during nighttime. A snowplow can help you avoid the inconvenience of cleanup and maintenance.

Another option to fix small cracks is to use a jack to squeeze out the compromised area slowly. Then, if you encounter potholes or fracture openings, you can contact an asphalt professional to have this repaired. Block cracks, on the other hand, are caused by the failure of the asphalt itself. This requires the removal of the deteriorated part of the pavement and replacement.

To keep your asphalt pavement looking new and smooth, you must perform regular maintenance. Avoid using harsh chemicals when treating damaged asphalt because this can promote further cracking. Instead, you can choose to use chipping materials to chip off small areas to minimize the damage.

After repairing cracks, your task will be to seal the damaged asphalt surfaces. It would help if you used a liquid to apply the repair techniques or a solid slip-on layer of asphalt sealer. Liquid treatment options include:

  • Water-based solutions.
  • Water-based acrylic sealers.
  • Oil-based slip-on solutions.
  • Solvent-based sealants.

These different repair techniques require different amounts of time to make a difference in the appearance of your driveway or patio.

Some homeowners opt for complete asphalt patching when their vehicle tires sit in a severe temperature for months. However, this should only be done when there are no longer any vehicles in the affected area. Complete repair may cost more than a single vehicle repair, but it is often the best solution. The price of asphalt patching depends on the size of the hole, its depth, and the kind of repair technique used.

If you prefer to employ an infrared asphalt repair process, it is cost-effective since the process does not require expensive heating equipment. Instead, the infrared beam radiates heat into the damaged area using a special camera that can detect the fine lines and textures of the asphalt. Then, based on the damage, the cost-effective solution can either replace damaged asphalt or repair cracks and holes using high-pressure air or diesel-powered Kubota Excavators .

Most homeowners do not consider cracked and raveled driveways a significant concern because vehicle drivers do not regularly use them. However, asphalt contractors know that some kinds of cracks and Raveled paths present unique design challenges. An asphalt professional needs to determine if a cracked and raveled course is worth a complete rebuild or if it should be repaired using prefabricated asphalt pavers.

Suppose you have poured fresh asphalt on a site and have found cracks and raveled areas. In that case, you must contact an experienced asphalt professional immediately to avoid further damage and costly problems. Cracked and Raveled Paths can create many safety hazards, including traffic delays, expensive repairs, and injuries to motorists, pedestrians, and pets. Consult with a skilled asphalt contractor today to discuss the details of how to solve your particular situation.